Minority Fellowship Program
The Minority Fellowship Program, funded by ASA and annual contributions from Sociologists for Women in Society, Alpha Kappa Delta, the Association for Black Sociologists, the Southwestern Sociological Society, the Midwest Sociological Society, the Eastern Sociological Society, the Pacific Sociological Association, the Southern Sociological Society, and generous individual member contributions, is primarily, but not solely, designed for minority students sufficiently advanced in their Ph.D. program to demonstrate their commitment to a research career.
Office of Faculty Advancement
The Office for Faculty Advancement provides leadership, guidance, and oversight of University-wide strategies and programs to enhance faculty excellence. We oversee faculty development programs, including programs to recruit outstanding and diverse faculty. We partner with schools, departments, and other academic programs to enhance faculty success at Duke. We work to promote a climate that values and celebrates inclusive excellence. Finally, the Office for Faculty Advancement works with the Provost, Deans, faculty, and administrative offices to ensure that high standards and fair practices are employed in faculty recruitment, appointment, promotion, and career advancement.